Correct installation is crucial for the durability of any paving application. Here’s a brief guide to help ensure maximize the performance of your EZ Street material.
Temperature & Compaction
EZ Street can be applied when air temperatures are between 0° F and 100° F; however, EZ Street will be most pliable, workable, and compactable at air temperatures ranging from 70° F to 90° F. In the winter months, warming of the EZ Street material prior to an application via a “hot box”, heated dump bed, or patching truck is quite acceptable; although, it is imperative that the material temperature does not exceed 125° F . To ensure optimum performance EZ Street should be applied and compacted in two-inch (2″) maximum lifts . A vibratory steel wheel roller will always provide optimum results and performance; however, steel wheel or pneumatic rollers, compactor plates, wheel rolling, and hand tamping are also acceptable methods of compaction. Over-compaction is rarely an issue.
Installation Procedure
To Achieve Optimum Results
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